Tribute (USA)

Tribute 188

Tribute H-188
The Weeping Madonna
Eleni Barteri
Billy Mure Symphony of Voices and Orchestra
Narration By Father George Papadeas

Tribute 188

Tribute H-188
The Weeping Madonna
Eleni Barteri
The Weeping Madonna is enshrined in St. Paul's Greek Orthodoc Church, New York

Tribute 188

Tribute H-188
English version
The Weeping Madonna
(Marcus - Mure)
Eleni Barteri
Billy Mure Symphony of Voices and Orchestra
Narration By Father George Papadeas

Tribute 188

Tribute H-188
Greek version
The Weeping Madonna
(Marcus - Mure)
Greek lyric by Steve Barteri
Eleni Barteri
Billy Mure Symphony of Voices and Orchestra
Narration By Father George Papadeas